Rev. Matthew Smedley is the Executive Director and CEO of Mission Possible. Since 2007, Matt has helped Mission Possible transition its programming from offering basic street-level care to being a leading community economic development organization in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside. Though his role at Mission Possible is varied and complex, his favourite part about his job has stayed consistent- the people. He loves both the Mission Possible team that works alongside him, as well as the community of amazing people who offer every-day inspiration.
Matt has served as a pastor in the inner city and has over five years of experience working in the trades. He is a Certified leadership Coach, holds a graduate certificate from SFU in Community Economic Development, and has a B.S. from Cairn University.
Outside of his work, Matt spends time walking with his wife, playing games with his daughter and three sons, and riding and tinkering with his motorcycle.
Matt can be contacted if you would like to partner with Mission Possible in this important work, or if you just want to know more about MP.