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"Thank you" for Your Support

Thank you for supporting Mission Possible this year. In 2013, with your assistance we were able to help 86% of our Mission Possible Work Program graduates transition into employment, education or vocational training. We were also able to provide 21,194 meals and give 318 people housing support. 

Year End Giving

You can help us to continue to provide these valuable programs by making a donation to Mission Possible today!

Your gift helps to provide a Mission Possible community member who is challenged by homelessness and poverty with purpose, training, support and the opportunity to earn a paycheque. For some specific programs that you may want to donate too, see the information below.

Nutritious Lunch Box - $10 Donation

Help provide a nutritious lunch with fresh produce for an MP Maintenance Associate or MP Community Volunteer.  To donate now - CLICK HERE




Work Readiness Kit - $75 Donation

Help provide materials needed for the Mission Possible Work Readiness Course and to get a job. Kit includes hygiene items, stationary, alarm, and food voucher. To donate now - CLICK HERE

MP Uniform - $100 Donation

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Help purchase a uniform for a new Mission Possible Trainee. To donate now - CLICK HERE

MP Community Meal - $250 Donation

Help sponsor a lunch for hardworking MP Associates and MP Community Volunteers. To donate now - CLICK HERE

MP Job Training Program - $500 Donation


Provide pre-employment training for a new Mission Possible trainee. Before someone starts to work in one of Mission Possible's social enterprises, or receives a referal from us we like to provide them with some in-depth training on how to get a job and keep it! Along with our own in-house experts we bring in talented people from Vancouver area businesses and organizations to provide training to individuals who face some difficult barriers to finding steady employment. Again, you can help! To donate now - CLICK HERE

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

*Any money raised over and above what is needed for an individual item will be applied to the next area of greatest need.