Mission Possible's CEO, Brian Postlewait recently had the opportunity to deliver the Keynote at the Better Business Bureau's Torch Awards. From all reports it was an "engaging" and "inspiring" presentation. The awards handed out are listed below.
Marketplace Excellence Award
The Marketplace Excellence Award is presented to a BBB Accredited Business in recognition of their commitment and adherence to BBB Standards For Trust to benefit their customers, employees, suppliers, shareholders and surrounding communities.
Community Excellence Award
The Community Excellence Award recognizes businesses that blend financial success with a strong commitment to positive community impact. Social benefits include business practices that help revitalize neighbourhoods, create opportunities for marginalized groups, or otherwise strengthen and support community economic and social development.
Green Award
The Green Award recognizes businesses that blend financial success with a strong commitment to positive environmental outcomes, which go beyond basic office recycling programs to minimize or mitigate pollution, waste, and/or carbon footprint associated with the business products, services, and operations.
Congratulations to all of the award winners!
*Source: http://mbc.bbb.org/about-the-bbb-torch-awards
Photos: BBB Facebook - http://ow.ly/qu6zw